Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Morning Constitutional

This the the recipe for my morning green drink. I love it.

In the blender I place: 10 ounces of pure water
4 ounces of cleaned spinach
1/2 a red or green bell pepper, washed and seeded
1 small to medium zucchini, washed and the top and bottom cut off
1 cucumber, peeled
1 avocado, peeled and pitted
1 apple, washed and seeded

I grind it all really well until it is a thick smoothie. It makes 5 half glasses of smoothie. I fill it the rest of the way up with cold, pure water and stir it well. I drink all 5 glasses throughout the morning. I really like it, but it doesn't fill me up very long. Oh well.

When we were in Hawaii, I made this in the cheapy blender provided with our room. It never did get "smooth" but I was glad to have it anyway. Smooth is better, though.

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