Tuesday, March 10, 2009

tofu yogurt

So, Olivia has been sick, and didn't eat anything for a few days. I started to get worried and decided that I needed a new approach.  I bought some silken tofu and blended it with fruit to make something like a yogurt, and it turned out pretty good.  She at 2 cups of it, and some scrambled eggs (organic, of course), and seems to be doing better this evening.  I'm not really a tofu/soy buff, but I'd recommend trying it if your struggling giving up dairy, or getting your children to give up yogurt.  It kept in the fridge a while, and tasted better after being chilled.

1 comment:

Brandon and Jenni said...

That is a good idea. Someone was talking to me about yogurt the other day and for some reason I can't stop thinking about how good it sounds. I am going to try that. Is that all there was to it?