I'm so excited right now because last night Seth brought home some fruit bushes and an apple tree. As some of you know, one of my goals in the whole 'getting healthy' thing is to be able to grow most of my own food. I think that the less I have to rely on someone else for healthy food, the better off I'll be. So, now I'm on my way!! We planted 3 blueberry bushes, 3 grape vines, 3 golden raspberry bushes, and an apple tree last night. I hope to get my green house going soon and then I can grow my herbs and veggies all year round!
By the way, do any of you compost? I was thinking of trying that, but I'm not exactly certain what to do. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks :)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Today I made a good raw dish. I have never had raw corn. It is so good and tastes great by itself, but I like to spice things up a bit.
Corn from 1 Cob
A few cherry or grape tomatoes, halved
Dash of sea salt
a little chili powder
Mix it all together and enjoy. I would have added a little lime juice but we didn't have any.
The cilantro that I used was dried not fresh. We don't alway have fresh herbs on hand. I found some really good dried herbs. The brand is "Litehouse" and they freeze dry the herbs. They seem to have so much more flavor than regular dried herbs.
I am glad to see that everyone is trying to eat healthy. I think that we will all be blessed for it.
Corn from 1 Cob
A few cherry or grape tomatoes, halved
Dash of sea salt
a little chili powder
Mix it all together and enjoy. I would have added a little lime juice but we didn't have any.
The cilantro that I used was dried not fresh. We don't alway have fresh herbs on hand. I found some really good dried herbs. The brand is "Litehouse" and they freeze dry the herbs. They seem to have so much more flavor than regular dried herbs.
I am glad to see that everyone is trying to eat healthy. I think that we will all be blessed for it.
One Week Shows Improvement
Today is Day 8 of my raw diet. I weighed myself and I have lost 10 pounds! That is amazing. I tested my blood sugars and the monitor read 105. That is amazing! I rarely am below 175 and am very often over 200, so that is a significant improvement. Good things are happening! I am enjoying the new way of eating, but I certainly have much to learn. Well, I have 100 days!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Putting in the work
Well, I started a new diet and exercise program last Monday (the 15th) . My friend, Jen has lost about 25-30 pounds recently so I asked her to share her plan with me. Her eating plan didn't necessarily fit in with me eating mostly vegan, so I modified it slightly. I'm doing a lot better with the whole vegan thing I don't eat dairy or eggs anymore, and I only rarely eat meat. I figure I'm about 90% vegan...I'm getting there :).
Anyway, I digress, I started this workout regime 12 days ago and even though it's been tough, I have really been putting in the hours and sticking to my plan. My body feels great and I have never in my life lost weight so quickly before (except when I did that horrible lemonade fast....yuck!!). So far I've dropped 11 pounds and this week I have a lot more energy than I have had recently. I feel that incorporating so many more fruits and veggies into my diet and working out regularly have really helped clear my head...and body, for that matter.
I'm really glad that so many of you are eating healthier and getting fit. I'm happy to hear that some of you are going raw. I hope to get to that point by next summer. It's really great to have the support. Keep up the awesome work!!!
Anyway, I digress, I started this workout regime 12 days ago and even though it's been tough, I have really been putting in the hours and sticking to my plan. My body feels great and I have never in my life lost weight so quickly before (except when I did that horrible lemonade fast....yuck!!). So far I've dropped 11 pounds and this week I have a lot more energy than I have had recently. I feel that incorporating so many more fruits and veggies into my diet and working out regularly have really helped clear my head...and body, for that matter.
I'm really glad that so many of you are eating healthier and getting fit. I'm happy to hear that some of you are going raw. I hope to get to that point by next summer. It's really great to have the support. Keep up the awesome work!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Yeah! I just went downstairs and checked my sprouts. I finally started them yesterday. I didn't soak them first and was a little afraid they wouldn't work. Every tray has tinsey, tiny sprouts working their way out of the seeds. It is so exciting. I bought the Easy Green Sprouter. It is the same type Candice bought. I am glad it is working.
Day 3 was Scary!
Last night the pain in my stomach left! It had been there since Day 1. My body just sort of adjusted. I thought it would take 2 weeks at least. I didn't go to bed hungry. I didn't wake up hungry. Yeah!
In the early evening I almost fainted! Those of you who know me know I don't faint easily. It really scared me. I thought and thought what I could do and finally I ate some whole wheat bread (not raw) and peanut butter. I felt stronger after a while. My heart really hurt from then on through the evening and night. Jenni said I should be sure to take a Vitamin B12 suppliment.
Tomorrow I will start taking a multi-vitamin and a vitamin C.
In the night, I tested my blood for sugars. Usually it reads 175-190, which, of course, is really high. This time it read 125. Yeah! Good things are happening! I am still RAW even though I ate the bread. 100 days!
In the early evening I almost fainted! Those of you who know me know I don't faint easily. It really scared me. I thought and thought what I could do and finally I ate some whole wheat bread (not raw) and peanut butter. I felt stronger after a while. My heart really hurt from then on through the evening and night. Jenni said I should be sure to take a Vitamin B12 suppliment.
Tomorrow I will start taking a multi-vitamin and a vitamin C.
In the night, I tested my blood for sugars. Usually it reads 175-190, which, of course, is really high. This time it read 125. Yeah! Good things are happening! I am still RAW even though I ate the bread. 100 days!
Raw is ----different!
On Day 2, I made Mock Tuna Salad from RAWvolutions for our dinner. It was not yummy! There is no nicer way to say it! It did taste better on Day 3, though. The girls and I decided maybe we should just eat the raw food and not make so many recipes. It is nice to try the recipes, though. I decided we needed a treat, so I made Fudge Balls from Living on Live Foods. Jenni said, "Well, this is the best raw food you have made." They were yummy. Jennifer Baker liked them. We all ate several.
Fudge Balls
2 cups dates (pitted and soaked)
2 cups almond butter (I think homemade peanut butter would be good, too and cheaper)
1/2 cup raw carob powder
In a food processor, blend the dates to a smooth paste. Add the remaining ingredients and process until blended and smooth. I had to use my hands for the last little bit of blending. Remove from the food processor and form into small round balls. They are yummy. I used medjool dates, which are large, moist and super sweet! I didn't soak them. By the way, I only made half of the recipe. I only had 1 cup of Almond Butter. I will try making my own Nut Butter next time. It is pretty expensive to buy it.
Fudge Balls
2 cups dates (pitted and soaked)
2 cups almond butter (I think homemade peanut butter would be good, too and cheaper)
1/2 cup raw carob powder
In a food processor, blend the dates to a smooth paste. Add the remaining ingredients and process until blended and smooth. I had to use my hands for the last little bit of blending. Remove from the food processor and form into small round balls. They are yummy. I used medjool dates, which are large, moist and super sweet! I didn't soak them. By the way, I only made half of the recipe. I only had 1 cup of Almond Butter. I will try making my own Nut Butter next time. It is pretty expensive to buy it.
Quinoa Salad
I was going through some recipes yesterday and came across one that I had forgotten. Every time I have made this my family loves it and eats it right up. I love the unique flavor of quinoa and it really makes this salad, so if you want to make this completely raw I'm sure you could use sprouted quinoa, though I've never tried it that way.
4-5 cups greens (I like green leaf lettuce and Romaine)
1/4 cup chopped pecans
1/4 cup chopped dates
1/4 tomatoes, diced (I like Roma)
3-4 radishes, diced
1/4 cup cooked or sprouted quinoa
juice from 1 large orange
Combine first six ingredients in a bowl. Use the orange juice as a salad dressing. You may want to add a bit of honey to the orange juice if it isn't very sweet. This is good as a side dish or as a stand alone dish. It's also really pretty garnished with orange slices.
4-5 cups greens (I like green leaf lettuce and Romaine)
1/4 cup chopped pecans
1/4 cup chopped dates
1/4 tomatoes, diced (I like Roma)
3-4 radishes, diced
1/4 cup cooked or sprouted quinoa
juice from 1 large orange
Combine first six ingredients in a bowl. Use the orange juice as a salad dressing. You may want to add a bit of honey to the orange juice if it isn't very sweet. This is good as a side dish or as a stand alone dish. It's also really pretty garnished with orange slices.
Monday, September 22, 2008
We're Going RAW!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
By Ruth Phelps
Well, Brad is off to Alaska. I figured this is a good time to begin my new eating habits. Last night I whipped up a recipe (3 recipes, actually) of Berry and Nut Bars from the RAWvolution recipe book by Matt Amsden. I borrowed Amy's dehydrator. The bars (biscuits) were dry enough this morning for Jenni and Bonnie to take some with them. I hope the dehydrator isn't too hot. It only felt warm. They are not super yummy, but they are super filling! That is a good thing. I think going RAW is a Good Thing! Here is the recipe:

Berry and Nut Breakfast Bars
2 cups raw almonds
1 cup raw walnuts
3/4 cup raw flax seeds
2 cups fresh strawberries, raspberries and/or blueberries (Iused only strawberries)
1 cup raisins
Using a food processor, grind the almonds and walnuts coursely, and then transfer the nuts to a large mixing bowl. Powder the flax seeds in a high-speed blender (it won't work in the food processor) and place in a small bowl. Liquefy the fresh berries in the blender, then add the flax powder and blend again really well. Add the berries and flax to the ground nuts, along with the raisins, and mix really well (you may have to use your hands to get it really mixed.)
Spread the mixture evenly on a Teflex-lined dehydrator tray to a thickness of approx. 1 inch. Dehydrate at 100 degrees for 12 hours. Flip over, take off the teflex and dehydrate for another 12 hours. Cut into approximately 18 pieces. End
So, I shaped my dough into biscuits 1 1/2 inches across and about 3/4 to 1 inch deep. I got about 20-25 per recipe. I was going to turn them over this morning, but they were done! I am keeping them in the fridge, but they are looking a bit moist. I am going to open the bag. They were warm when I put them in the bag. I think that is why they are moist.
By Ruth Phelps
Well, Brad is off to Alaska. I figured this is a good time to begin my new eating habits. Last night I whipped up a recipe (3 recipes, actually) of Berry and Nut Bars from the RAWvolution recipe book by Matt Amsden. I borrowed Amy's dehydrator. The bars (biscuits) were dry enough this morning for Jenni and Bonnie to take some with them. I hope the dehydrator isn't too hot. It only felt warm. They are not super yummy, but they are super filling! That is a good thing. I think going RAW is a Good Thing! Here is the recipe:

Berry and Nut Breakfast Bars
2 cups raw almonds
1 cup raw walnuts
3/4 cup raw flax seeds
2 cups fresh strawberries, raspberries and/or blueberries (Iused only strawberries)
1 cup raisins
Using a food processor, grind the almonds and walnuts coursely, and then transfer the nuts to a large mixing bowl. Powder the flax seeds in a high-speed blender (it won't work in the food processor) and place in a small bowl. Liquefy the fresh berries in the blender, then add the flax powder and blend again really well. Add the berries and flax to the ground nuts, along with the raisins, and mix really well (you may have to use your hands to get it really mixed.)
Spread the mixture evenly on a Teflex-lined dehydrator tray to a thickness of approx. 1 inch. Dehydrate at 100 degrees for 12 hours. Flip over, take off the teflex and dehydrate for another 12 hours. Cut into approximately 18 pieces. End
So, I shaped my dough into biscuits 1 1/2 inches across and about 3/4 to 1 inch deep. I got about 20-25 per recipe. I was going to turn them over this morning, but they were done! I am keeping them in the fridge, but they are looking a bit moist. I am going to open the bag. They were warm when I put them in the bag. I think that is why they are moist.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Strenght in Numbers
I think this is a great idea! I think I need all the help and support I can get. I've been trying to change our diet but it has been slow going for us. Luckily, our refrigerator broke down this week and we were forced to throw away everything we had in it. How is that lucky, you may ask. Well, now I have the perfect chance to start over without feeling wasteful. We want to go raw eventually, but for now we are about 50% raw, 40% vegan, and 10% animal. I like to categorize it that way so that I still see that we really are making progress. My goal for now is that by the end of the year we will be 80% raw and 20% other vegan and 0% animal.
We started this a few weeks ago because we (Greg and I) haven't been feeling up to par. We thought we just need to live a little healthier. Well, since, we have learned that there are some pretty serious health issues at the root of it all, so we are glad that we've already gotten a jump on things.
Here is one of our favorite snacks right now:
Fresh Salsa (raw and low-sodium)
4-6 ripe roma tomatoes, finely chopped
1/3 cup finely chopped red onion
2 fresh jalapeno peppers, seeded and finely chopped
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
2 tablespoons freshly chopped cilantro
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup fresh corn kernels straight from the cob, rinsed
1/4 cup finely shredded carrot
1/2 cup sprouted black beans
Whole Wheat Tortilla Chips (vegan and low-sodium):
3 whole wheat tortilla chips, cut into 8 wedges each
Lightly grease baking sheet with cooking spray and arrange wedges on sheet
Lightly spray tops of wedges with cooking spray
Dust with cumin
Bake at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes, cool
We started this a few weeks ago because we (Greg and I) haven't been feeling up to par. We thought we just need to live a little healthier. Well, since, we have learned that there are some pretty serious health issues at the root of it all, so we are glad that we've already gotten a jump on things.
Here is one of our favorite snacks right now:
Fresh Salsa (raw and low-sodium)
4-6 ripe roma tomatoes, finely chopped
1/3 cup finely chopped red onion
2 fresh jalapeno peppers, seeded and finely chopped
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
2 tablespoons freshly chopped cilantro
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup fresh corn kernels straight from the cob, rinsed
1/4 cup finely shredded carrot
1/2 cup sprouted black beans
Whole Wheat Tortilla Chips (vegan and low-sodium):
3 whole wheat tortilla chips, cut into 8 wedges each
Lightly grease baking sheet with cooking spray and arrange wedges on sheet
Lightly spray tops of wedges with cooking spray
Dust with cumin
Bake at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes, cool
Friday, September 19, 2008
Starting fresh
Hi Everyone,
You're probably thinking, "Why is she sending me another blog invite?," right? Well, apparently I've become obsessed :) This time however, I'm hoping that you all can contribute to this one. I was talking to my Mom (Ruth) today and we were discussing our views on doctors and how they just don't seem to care about, let alone listen to their patients; and how they seem to be guessing at a lot when we've gone to see them.
i.e. I took Shylah in to instacare once for some severe abdominal pain that she'd had for a couple of days (I mean she would writhe on the floor in agony) and the doctor poked at her stomach a bit and told me she was constipated. He recommended I buy some mineral oil to feed her orally and to go home and give her an enima. I did as he suggested (which was not pleasant for Shylah or myself) and she seemed to just get worse. We took her to another doctor a couple days later and from a simple urine test he found that she had a urinary tract infection!! I couldn't believe that the first guy hadn't even done a urine test. She could have been spared two days of horrible pain and I could have had eighty more dollars in my pocket.
This is not the worst thing that I have dealt with from doctors and it is by far not the worst thing my mom and sisters have dealt with. I'm not saying that there are not good doctors, there are; I've had a couple of really good ones. However, they seem to be few and far between from what I've dealt with and from what my family and friends have dealt with. I could go on and on about my frustration with the medical industry, but that really isn't what this blog is about.
I know that a lot of us have started to lean toward eating a more natural, plant-based diet and I thought that if we had a place to go and share what we learn with one another that it would be great. I, myself, have started eating vegetarian (I try to do vegan, buy sometimes I'm not very good) and the difference I feel in my body is amazing. I've heard that a lot of you are going raw and I think that is wonderful. I hope to be able to do that soon, but I won't for a while.
I truly believe that God has given us the means with which to be healthy and pain free. I believe that good food choices have the ability to fill us with health and vitality or even to heal us. I also believe that bad food choices fill our bodies with toxins and illness, and can ultimately take away the quality of our lives. After Kimmy died I read 'Original Fast Foods' and it seems like every page I turned just filled me with more and more insight. After the first few pages I knew that what I was reading was the truth and that this was how we were meant to eat in order to get optimal performance out of our bodies. And let's face it, when we are at optimal performance, our lives are better. On the other hand, when our bodies feel weak, sick, or sluggish the negative effects are felt in every aspect of our lives.
I hope that we all can have fun with this blog and can get some good ideas from eachother. If you received an invitation from me then that means you can post and add to this blog. If there is anyone you want to have contribute to this then please let me know. Or add them yourself if that is possible, I'm still not sure how everything works here. If you haven't read 'Original Fast Foods' I highly recommend it. I love you all, and hope you are well.
You're probably thinking, "Why is she sending me another blog invite?," right? Well, apparently I've become obsessed :) This time however, I'm hoping that you all can contribute to this one. I was talking to my Mom (Ruth) today and we were discussing our views on doctors and how they just don't seem to care about, let alone listen to their patients; and how they seem to be guessing at a lot when we've gone to see them.
i.e. I took Shylah in to instacare once for some severe abdominal pain that she'd had for a couple of days (I mean she would writhe on the floor in agony) and the doctor poked at her stomach a bit and told me she was constipated. He recommended I buy some mineral oil to feed her orally and to go home and give her an enima. I did as he suggested (which was not pleasant for Shylah or myself) and she seemed to just get worse. We took her to another doctor a couple days later and from a simple urine test he found that she had a urinary tract infection!! I couldn't believe that the first guy hadn't even done a urine test. She could have been spared two days of horrible pain and I could have had eighty more dollars in my pocket.
This is not the worst thing that I have dealt with from doctors and it is by far not the worst thing my mom and sisters have dealt with. I'm not saying that there are not good doctors, there are; I've had a couple of really good ones. However, they seem to be few and far between from what I've dealt with and from what my family and friends have dealt with. I could go on and on about my frustration with the medical industry, but that really isn't what this blog is about.
I know that a lot of us have started to lean toward eating a more natural, plant-based diet and I thought that if we had a place to go and share what we learn with one another that it would be great. I, myself, have started eating vegetarian (I try to do vegan, buy sometimes I'm not very good) and the difference I feel in my body is amazing. I've heard that a lot of you are going raw and I think that is wonderful. I hope to be able to do that soon, but I won't for a while.
I truly believe that God has given us the means with which to be healthy and pain free. I believe that good food choices have the ability to fill us with health and vitality or even to heal us. I also believe that bad food choices fill our bodies with toxins and illness, and can ultimately take away the quality of our lives. After Kimmy died I read 'Original Fast Foods' and it seems like every page I turned just filled me with more and more insight. After the first few pages I knew that what I was reading was the truth and that this was how we were meant to eat in order to get optimal performance out of our bodies. And let's face it, when we are at optimal performance, our lives are better. On the other hand, when our bodies feel weak, sick, or sluggish the negative effects are felt in every aspect of our lives.
I hope that we all can have fun with this blog and can get some good ideas from eachother. If you received an invitation from me then that means you can post and add to this blog. If there is anyone you want to have contribute to this then please let me know. Or add them yourself if that is possible, I'm still not sure how everything works here. If you haven't read 'Original Fast Foods' I highly recommend it. I love you all, and hope you are well.
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